i-nodes is the insurance ledger network for eco system participants such as insurers, re-insurers, TPA’s and service providers where participants share insurance data. It provides both the hard technological infrastructure and soft data governance standards for shared industry applications and networks.
i365 is our line of subscription services for underwriters. Build your insurance products online, set your own underwriting parameters, business rules and claims rules and start selling. You decide, i365 operates. Always in real time. Use our business intelligence engine to tailor reports and customised controls to meet risk management and compliance requirements.
All our products operate in real time with shared data, We are always up to date, always informed, saving everyone time and money. We provide insurers with peace of mind and optimise claims management and fraud detection, not only by customers, but also by other parties in the value chain.
Our solutions put you firmly in control. Keep tabs on processes and make sure everyone plays by the rules. Our solutions track every bit of data, every process step and every process step, making sure the whole process is tightly controlled, optimised and recorded with a full immutable audit trail of every actions in the value chain.